Aliph Foundation - Protecting heritage to build peace
Protecting heritage to build peace

LIBYA - LEPTIS MAGNA (c) Hafed Walda

Protecting heritage to build peace

Geneva, 25 November 2024

Local actors show strong mobilization to protect cultural heritage against the impacts of climate change 

 ALIPH’s USD 10 million call for projects to protect cultural heritage from the impacts of climate change was met with an overwhelming response. We received 285 projects from around the world, 88% of which from 47 African countries!

ALIPH stands by heritage professionals working in the heart of conflict zones 

To address the challenge of protecting cultural heritage in conflict zones, ALIPH has been approving new projects, carried out on-the-ground, almost daily. The ALIPH Secretariat is in close contact with operators to support them whenever needed so they can successfully carry out their projects as well as ensure the safety of their teams. It is these strong partnerships, with hundreds of professionals on the ground, that strengthen our collective efforts to achieve our common mission.  

Read more about the work we are supporting right now, on-the-ground, in Ukraine, Sudan, Gaza and Lebanon.

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