Documentation, Training and Restoration of the Old City of Agadez

Agadez, Niger

Amount $ 168 364

Years 2021 - 2022

Operator Imane Atarikh in cooperation with the Comité de gestion of the Old City of Agadez

project status Completed

Type of grant Call for projects

Imane Atharik
Imane Atharik
Thomas Raguet
Thomas Raguet
Imane Atarikh
Imane Atarikh
Imane Atharik

The city of Agadez was built along caravan roads before the 15th century and boasts a rich diversity of architectural styles. The earthen-architecture houses built around the Great Mosque are each decorated with different complex shapes and patterns. The mosque's minaret is one of the tallest mudbrick structures in the world. Through a combination of drastic climate change, which has provoked flash floods, and civil unrest resulting in bombings in 2013, there is an urgent need for a comprehensive preservation of this site. This project will document and restore the Great Mosque and 20 surrounding houses, as well as contribute to local capacity building to ensure that the community has the tools to maintain these buildings.