Emergency Consolidation and Stabilization of the Musalla Complex’s 5th Minaret, Herat

Herat, Afghanistan

Amount $ 685 058

Years 2023 - 2024

Operator Aga Khan Cultural Services - Afghanistan (AKCS-A)

project status Ongoing

Type of grant Call for projects

(c) Thomas Raguet
(c) Thomas Raguet

The 5th minaret used to be part of the 15th-century Timurid Musalla Complex with three major buildings and an ensemble of 10 minarets, varying in heights of up to 58 meters, in Herat. Four of these have since collapsed.

The 5th minaret is believed to be one of a pair that flanked the portal screen of the madrasah of Gowharshad. The remaining minaret, located at the southeast corner, is in an advanced state of deterioration, tilting more than 2.26 degrees to the east on its central axis. Prolonged conflict, flooding, earthquakes, and extensive changes to the site's environment have put the overall structure at risk of collapse.

The project focuses on emergency stabilization and structural consolidation of the minaret. In order to ensure the sustainable preservation of the site, the project includes community engagement and awareness raising.