Restoration of the Oldest Preserved Sudanese Mosque, Old Dongola

Amount $ 1 143 215

Years 2023 - 2026

Operator Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology, University of Warsaw, in cooperation with the National Corporation for Antiquities and Museums (NCAM)

project status Ongoing

Type of grant Call for projects

ALIPH - Adonis ElHussein

The Mosque of Old Dongola is the oldest preserved mosque in the Republic of Sudan.

Standing on a sandstone outcrop, the building dates to the early 9th century. Originally a church or throne room, it was converted into a mosque in the early 14th century. Despite not being used for religious purposes for decades, the mosque remains a place of great spiritual importance to the local communities.

The project addresses the restoration of the building, which suffers from severe structural instability, deteriorating murals, and leaking. To further revitalize the site, and when the time is right, there are plans to install an interactive exhibition and implement a visitor management system. 

Led and implemented by the Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology, University of Warsaw (PCMA UW), in cooperation with the National Corporation of Antiquities and Museums, Sudan (NCAM), the project also provides Sudanese experts and NCAM staff with heritage management skills, conservation expertise, and hands-on experience. In addition, the project plans to train residents and selected community partners as technicians and museum guides to ensure the long-term preservation of the monument. This project is supported by ALIPH with the financial assistance of the United Arab Emirates.