Safeguarding the cultural heritage of Gori

Gori, Georgia

Operator Georgian National Committee of the Blue Shield

Years 2019 - 2022

Amount $ 162 000

Type of grant Call of projects

project status Completed

(c) Georgian National Committee of the Blue Shield
The Gori Museum was founded in 1935 and houses, among other artifacts, a unique coin collection from Georgia and other countries from 7th century BCE to 20th century CE. The museum’s ethnographic objects, manuscripts, and photo archives provide a wide range of sources to better understand the Shida Kartli region and its role in the development of Georgia. Due to its geopolitical and geographical location, the country has often been exposed to armed conflict and wars, posing a great threat to its heritage. The project helped to develop a Disaster Risk Management (DRM) plan for the museum. The museum staff created digital documentation of about 10,000 objects preserved in the museum. The storage conditions were improved for up to 5,000 artifacts. Theoretical and practical capacity building training was conducted by local and international experts for about 30 employees of 12 museums of Shida Kartli region on preventive conservation, packing and moving collections, and first aid to cultural heritage in times of crisis.