Terms of Reference: Evaluation of two projects carried out by the RIWAQ (NGO)
Cahier des charges : Évaluation de deux projets de l’organisation RIWAQ
The Origins of the Sacred Image: Icons from the Bohdan and Varvara Khanenko National Museum of Arts in Kyiv
Evaluation of ALIPH’s Beirut Action Plan - Terms of Reference
Évaluation du Plan d’action Beyrouth d’ALIPH - Cahier des charges
Rehabilitation of the Ali Salem Mansion in Beitillu, West Bank
Conserving thobes at the Palestinian Museum, Birzeit
La conservation des thobes au musée Palestinien, Birzeit
Réhabilitation du Manoir d’Ali Salem, Beitillu, Palestine
La protection de l'architecture de terre de la vieille ville d'Agadez, Niger
Protecting the earthen architecture of the Old City of Agadez, Niger
Rehabilitation plans for Iraq’s Daesh-damaged Mosul Cultural Museum to mark memory of devastating attack and its central role in rebuilding community (May 2023)
Since its launch in 2018, ALIPH has committed close to USD $30 million to support over 40 projects to protect or rehabilitate Iraqi cultural heritage (May 2023)
ALIPH’s Beirut Action Plan – Ongoing and Completed Projects (May 2023)
Press release - ALIPH Forum (March 2023)
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